Friday, December 10, 2010

Jeremy Lin

Jeremy LinJeremy Lin, I'll be the first to admit that I'm inclined to give Lacob and Guber the benefit of the doubt ― based solely upon the fact that they're not Chris Cohan ― but so far they've gone two for two in post-sale transactions.? CJ Watson has departed for Chicago in a sign-and-trade and summer-league standout Jeremy Lin is on the verge of signing what's rumored to be a partially guaranteed two-year deal.? They're not moves that will change the course of western civilization, but in them may be the first faint outlines of Lacob and Guber's immediate plan for the team.

Before getting to the recent transactions, the least surprising piece of Warriors news Tuesday was the injury to David Lee during Team USA training.? Although it's unclear how severe the finger injury is ― Lee is coming back to the Bay Area to be evaluated ― any risk of missed games is frightening given our lack of front-court depth.? Fortunately, finger injuries are rarely multi-month problems, so I don't expect this to jeopardize Lee's presence in training camp.? Given the Warriors' recent luck, something like this is to be expected.

On the transactions, there's solid logic in considering the Watson and Lin moves together ― they occurred 48 hours apart and one player will likely take the other's place ― but simply holding the two players side-by-side an evaluating the current talent disparity doesn't do full justice to the deals.? As usual, there are dollars involved, but there are also issues of team fit to consider.? Taken independently and considering these additional factors, I think both moves make a ton of sense.

CJ Watson ― The real frustration in Watson's departure is that he was here in the first place.? We could have moved Watson last summer to Orlando and landed a player and a pick in the process, but Riley and Nelson refused to pull the trigger ― choosing instead to take Watson on the minimum qualifying offer rather than add more salary through the proposed sign-and-trade.? Watson had an inconsistent year and, as expected, started looking for a new home as soon as the off-season began.? Thanks to his restricted status, the Warriors aren't losing him without some compensation ― although the trade exception is too small to be of much use and the pick is likely to be among the last 10 in the draft.

So what's the upside to Watson's departure?? The Warriors don't have to sink long-term money into an average player that doesn't fit a need.? Watson put up stats during his time on the Warriors but never figured out how to run the team, was hit-or-miss on defense and saw his minutes dwindle with Curry and Ellis healthy.? If Nelson departs shortly, there's likely to be even less demand for his services.? He wasn't worth the money to the Warriors, particularly on a multi-year guaranteed deal.? It would have been short-sighted for the Warriors to match as a knee-jerk reaction to not wanting to lose a player regardless of what he costs or where he fits.? I wish CJ the best ― he always worked hard while he was here ― but the Warriors will be better off spending what little cap maneuverability they have left on someone capable of running a team when Curry is on the bench.

Jeremy Lin ― It remains to be seen whether Lin, a local product and instant fan favorite, will be the type of play-making guard the Warriors need to back up Curry, but he's certainly worth the gamble.? Cheaper than Watson with a higher upside if he can become a true point guard, the Warriors managed to use their location to lure Lin away from the Lakers and Mavs.? It's a low-risk move ― particularly if his second year isn't guaranteed ― that provides an injection of fresh blood to solve an old problem (our lack of a back-up point guard).? The NBA is a long way from the Vegas summer league, not to mention the gilded courts of Cambridge MA, but Lin has shown enough smooth shooting, smart decision-making and hustle to give Warriors fans legitimate grounds to believe he could be a rotation player.

At the risk of reading too much into two early moves, the Watson and Lin transactions suggest that the Warriors' new owners are doing their best to add fresh talent to the roster while preserving cap space for next summer.? It's a plan that not only could produce results this year, but gives the team a ton of flexibility for the future.

* I'd much rather round out the remainder of our rotation with young players that have the potential to grow ― like Lin ― than the Mikki Moores and Devean Georges of the Cohan/Nelson/Riley era.? The youngsters may not be as predictable or consistent on the court, but they might end up being guys that we want to stick around for more than a season (or a third of one, in Moore's case).? Using end-of-the-bench spots to invest in potential suggests a team with a future; filling the spots with end-of-the-road vets suggests a team focused solely on the here and now.

* By fleshing out the roster with one-year deals, we retain our flexibility for next off-season.? The Warriors' current cap situation has them just barely carrying enough space into next summer to sign a near-max player ― assuming all the expiring deals are allowed to expire.? I don't think free agency is going to be the answer for this team and would prefer that they shop their two large expiring deals for a difference maker at the trade deadline.? But if that plan doesn't work, free agency is plan B.? And if no free agent comes along in the summer of 2011 that's worth the cost, the team should simply carry it forward rather than make a Maggette-like panic signing.? Showing restraint with multi-year deals suggests the team is beginning to think two or three years down the road, which is a pleasant change from the old guard.

* For once, the Warriors actually landed a player in demand.? Sure, Lin is an undrafted Ivy League tweener who impressed in a few summer league games, but he had good options around the NBA and still chose the Warriors.? It's a strange sensation to actually have a buzz about a player, then have that player land in your lap.? If the Warriors are going to return to respectability, it's unlikely to happen with a single event.? Small moves like this with players choosing us over others will hopefully help drag the team back to respectability bit by bit.? It's not much, but it's a start.

The addition of Lin will put the Warriors' roster at 12.? The team may only carry 14 for the season ― and could easily fill 1 or 2 slots in training camp ― so other than a reserve big man, I'm not expecting any more activity this summer.? Tolliver is still on the market, but likely looking for a guaranteed multi-year deal.? For the reasons above, I doubt the Warriors agree to one.? As currently composed, the Warriors' bench isn't going to strike fear in the hearts of the NBA.? But after several seasons of spending August wondering how the Warriors will balance all their minutes ― only to see the rosters decimated once the season began ― maybe the year we all worry about depth is the year we're pleasantly surprised.? Ah, the irrational exuberance of a post-Cohan world.

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