Monday, December 20, 2010

Reggie Bush Scandal, Reggie Bush Heisman

Reggie Bush Scandal, Reggie Bush HeismanLatest News Update About Reggie Bush Scandal, Reggie Bush Heisman: Reggie Bush is taking a "hands off" approach to the Heisman Trophy scandal that has surrounded him in recent days. Reporters crowded around his locker the day before his opening game against the Minnesota Vikings to ask him what he thought about the NCAA taking his Heisman Trophy away, at least potentially.

He said that he will not think too much about it, and that there is nothing that he can do about it. Basically, if they take it, they take it, is what Bush is saying. It is an interesting approach and has a certain level of truth to it. There really is nothing that he can do. He has met with all of the necessary officials to give his side of the story, and now all he can do it is wait for the final decision.Yesterday, Yahoo news reported that the Heisman Trust has already made their decision, and that the trophy would be taken away from Bush. This report was quickly countered by a representative for the organization who said that nothing is final yet and they have not made their decision. Bush pointed to this fact when he was questioned by reporters saying that the Yahoo story had no substance to it, and he wasn't going to rely on that story to lean one way or the other.

The Trojans of USC are now under NCAA probation and may not enter the next two bowl seasons because Bush accepted cash and gifts from NFL agents during the 2004 and 2005 seasons.

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