Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Roy Oswalt

Roy OswaltLatest Update News About Roy Oswalt, The Philadelphia Phillies are going in a difficult period after lose for the fifth time in six games, except a likely deal with Astros Roy Oswalt could change things.

According to applicable source of the most important leagues, both teams are in talks to Oswalt, but the trade would still require the endorsement of the player, as it has a non-complete clause change.

It is a moment when both the Phillies and Oswalt faces a tough decision � Oswalt has to decide whether to waive their no trade clause and commit to a team far from their preferred locale in the Sun Belt and Phillies must decide if Oswalt can afford the luxury price tag, and could reach 18 million in 2011.

To make things ever worse for the Phillies, Moyer left elbow was injured recently in a game against the Cardinals.


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