Alexis Pilkington Death, The seventeen yr old Alexis Pilkington was actually a member of the Girls Soccer Team, at the All country Western Islip. Within quite a mournful turn of events, she has passed away and the very cause of the Alexis Pilkington death is as far, unknown. In tat respect, there is actually an investigation going on, for the Alexis Pilkington death cause to be found out, but till yet no further clue or reasoning has been issued forth by the Police Dept.
The Alexis Pilkington was actually a soccer player of a great repute and did actually stand out from her very league. The Alexis Pilkington death is not only a great loss to her parents but her soccer team as well, with the immense talent that she had got in herself. The very news of the Alexis Pilkington death, when broke out caused so many a people to mourn for her, cause she was just a 17 yr old girl, and pretty overmuch an angel to reckon for.
The Alexis Pilkington was known up as the Lexi by her acquaintances and friends. She as well used her entire lot of skills in soccer to actually earn up a scholarship fro herself within the College that she was in. She was the lead of her soccer team and induced faith in her team to make headway as well as win the Long-Island high-school soccer champion-ship title, barely months ago.
The Alexis Pilkington death is currently under investigation, and their has been no word out for the said case by the Police or the Justice dept as yet.
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